By correspondent Rose Mwalongo AT LEAST two people were shot to death yesterday with dozens injured following a fracas between angry Wananchi and the police in Songea municipality yesterday. The move came following an angry move taking on the street to boycott over what they said failure by the police to contain a new wave of killings that has seen six people butchered in recent days. Earlier on, the Guardian received reports from a human rights monitor in the region who said 4 people had their heads chopped by unknown people between February 15th and 17th, 20th, 21st and 22nd this year respectively. A human rights monitor with the Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) in the area whose name can not revealed for security reasons told the Guardian yesterday. “At least 4 people have been slaughtered within different days by unknown people on unfounded reasons. Between February 15th and 16th, this year a person whose name could not be established was slaughtered with a knife at Ruwhiko, in Songea district. Another incident took place on February 20th at Rizaboni where yet another innocent person was terminated in a similar manner. Worse still on February 21st, yet another person was butchered and not to mention of February 22nd where a BodaBoda driver was slaughtered in Songea district,” said the monitor. According to him, the Boda Boda driver was called outside from his house at night on account that someone needed to talk to him but never came back as he was slaughtered within the same night. He said yesterday, people around the Songea municipality took to the street saying he had seen at least 5 people who had been shot and injured when police officers in Songea dispersed an angry mob which was marching yesterday morning on what they said failure by the police to curb the killings. Those shot were admitted at the Songea Region Hospital for treatment. In an immediate rejoinder yesterday, the Ruvuma Regional Police Commander (RPC) Michael Kamuhanda told the Guardian that at least six people had been killed in Songea with some having their parts chopped due to witchcraft beliefs while some have been killed due to love. According to the RPC, the killings took place between November 28th to February this year. “ At least three women were killed due to love while as the rest were burnt to death with some having their body parts chopped off due to superstitious beliefs. There is a new wave of such beliefs in the area with some perceiving that the body parts can be used in mining as a concoction to strike a deal,” said the RPC. In another move, the RPC said at least two people were shot to death when police officers attempted to restore order following the rioting. He however said he could not establish the number of those injured as he was in a meeting over the same issue promising to give a detailed report there after. “ I am in a meeting now but what I can tell you is the situation was not good at all as an angry mob went on the street rampaging business premises, burning tires, invading offices, banks and even police stations and the police had to use efforts to calm them. Currently the situation is calm but am in a meeting to ponder over the issue,” said the RPC while requesting this reporter to call him back later on. ENDS Tunamshukuru Mungu kwa siku ya leo,kwani hadi tumeamka kwa siku ya leo Mkoani Ruvuma hakuna mauaji yaliyofanyika ukilinganisha na siku chache zilizopita ambayo yalisababisha wananchi wa Wilaya ya Songea kuandamana hapo jana tarehe 22.02.2012 baada ya mauaji ya kikatili ya kuchinjwa raia wanne(4) wasio na hatia kwa siku kadhaa mfululizo. Kimsingi tunazidi kulishauri jeshi la Polisi kuimarisha ulinzikwa RAIA wake mkoani Ruvuma kwani wananchi wengi sasa wanaishi kwa mashaka na sikweli kwamba kikosi kinachofanya mauaji hayo hakijulikani au inashindikana kufanya utafiti wa kina katika kuwatambua wahalifu hao. Sisi wananchi wa Tanzania tunaamini kwamba jeshi letu la Tanzania lina wataalam wengi wa kutosha na kwa mbinu ya ULINZI SHIRIKISHI si jambo la kuweza jeshi la polisi kushindwa,aidha kama Askari hawana ushirikiano mzuri na jeshi la Polisi haya yanaweza kuendelea kufanyika. Taarifa za majeruhi waliolazwa jana hadi jioni walifikia 40 na RAIA wawili WALIKUFA baada ya askari POLISI kuwapiga risasi katika harakati za kutuliza ghasia kutokana na maandamano yaliyofanyika jana.Aidha hakuna mgonjwa yeyote aliyekufa kati ya wale WALIOLAZWA jana. Hiyo ndiyo hali halisi ya matokeo ya TAFRANI za jana Mkoani Ruvuma. Aidha nitaendelea kuwajuza wanaharakati na watetezi wa haki za Binadam nchini. THRDs na Mwangalizi wa Haki za Binadamu Tunduru kupitia LHRC BY NGINGA THRD |
Onesmo Paul Kasale Olengurumwa,
Coordinator Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition
Lega and Human Rights Centre
Coordinator Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition
Lega and Human Rights Centre
Justice Lugangira House, Kijitonyama. P.O.BOX 75254,Dar es Salaam ,Tanzania. TEL +25522 2773038/48 FAX +255 222773037 mobile +255 717-082228/08783-172394
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